Saturday, June 09, 2007

Day on Windermere

Today, I was woken up by staff member Jeff singing "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day" at some unearthly hour. After a bit of mumbling and generally waking up, I went down for Breakfast. I have never had panneau chocolat, bacvon and eggs on something which is akin to a large saucer before, but hey - at least the food was good. We then went to Tower Wood, where our boats are, and I spent the mo0ning kayaking. I need to regain a bit of confidence that may have been lost in the last year. After a morniong of kayaking from one side of the lake to the other, we breaked and had lunch, after which I went in a raft of three canadian canoes, which had been tied together by string and to a wooden pole. Once we had reached Tower Wood, we all decided to jump in the lake for a swim. It was very cold at first but we warmed up. Once we had showered at Tower Wood, we headed back to the hostel. I think tonight we are going to the pub. What a good end to the day.

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