Monday, April 30, 2007

A Microsoft Presentation vs. A crap presentation

Today Ed Gibson from Microsoft came to lecture us on Computer Security. I was able to meet him. We also had someone called Alan come in from a firm in Bradford called Marble. I sat in the presentation for a while and it was very interesting, talking about responsibilities of IT administrators and software developers about security. This was all organised by rob Miles™. I had to leave early though because I had to present our presentation for the group coursework in ICT and professional skills, but not before I was able to take a copy of Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate™. I'd like to formally thank Microsoft for my gift. I like Microsoft Office Word 2007's blog feature.

I sold my T-Mobile SDA on eBay. It went in under two hours of me putting it up. I'm going to try and find a Nokia 6280 for around £50 Buy It Now™.

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