Sorry i've not written in such a long time. I have had a right old time here at University. With all my second year modules and my Maths resit I'm in 21 hours a week. On top of that I have all of my coursework and THEN there's all the extra reading I neglected. I am running out of time and patience. I find this very difficult at the moment but hope to pull through. I have come home for the weekend though so I'll at least have a change of surroundings here.
After unlocking my Nokia 6280 so I can use my Vodafone Contract SIM with it, I have been having problems with the phone's POP-port connection, which when I want a fast GPRS connection in lectures to download notes, can be inconvenient. I found Infra-red and Bluetooth too slow or tricky for my satisfaction so I decided to trade in my N73 for a new phone. I went down to Central Entertainment Exchange (CEX) in the Prospect Centre in town in the first week of November and presented my Nokia N73, together with the charger, data cable and headphones and they tested it for me. Apart from the charger being bent and my having to replace it, I sold the phone without too much of a hitch. I told them I wanted something with at least a 2.0MP camera and 3G connectivity. They presented me with a Nokia 6288, a Sony Ericsson K800i and a Samsung U600. I tried out the Sony Ericsson and Samsung U600 to see how they performed, then decided to go with the Sony Ericsson. My Nokia N73 gave me £97 towards the trade-in which means when you add the cost of a charger, only cost me £22. I wanted a memory card for it though, so I bought a 2GB one. I was annoyed because CEX sold me a 2nd hand M2 memory card at retail price. I should have bought it at the Carphone Warehouse instead and it would have been new. However I did bump into a couple of friends in CEX so that was a plus.
Apart from the Pop-port issues, my 6280 was working perfectly so I gave it to Laura, who wouldn't use the Pop-port I wouldn't think. She came down last week and we have had a fantastic time together. We didn't quite make it to Bridlington or Withernsea but I did go and pick her up in York and we rode down together on the train back to Hull. We went out to Asylum together on Wednesday night for the Best Tower Night In The World. On Thursday, we headed out into town where she bought some things in Primark to leave at Chez Student for when she comes down to stay with me. We then had a Pizza at Pizza Hut. We had meat feast with the Three Cheeses Cheezy bites. We loved it. Afterwards, I took her to Waterstones to buy her a copy of Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome by Luke Jackson. This is a very good read written by a lad who would now by nineteen (although he was thirteen when he wrote the book). This book gives a first-hand view into what it is like living with Asperger Syndrome, and I thought it would be a good idea for Laura to have a copy, just so she knows how to understand me. On the Friday, we went to the Aroma Chinese Restaurant on Beverly Road for a meal. We went there on our two month anniversary so we thought we'd go for the four month anniversary. On the Saturday, we went to the Now That's What I Call Asylum headphone disco. It is really quite something to be in Asylum with no loud music playing, yet with the whole club singing along to a song. Laura and I both enjoyed ourselves and we miss each other already.